Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Having a hot temper may increase your risk of having a heart attack or stroke.

The BBC recently had a news article that stated that having "A hot temper may increase your risk of having a heart attack or stroke."  it continues to say that In the two hours immediately after an angry outburst, the  risk of a heart attack increased nearly five-fold and the risk of stroke increased more than three-fold.
But the risk is cumulative, meaning temper-prone individuals will be at higher risk. five episodes of anger a day would result in around 158 extra heart attacks per 10,000 people
The way you cope with anger and stress is also important. Learning how to relax can help you move on from high-pressure situations. Many people find that physical activity can help to let off steam after a stressful day. Experts know that chronic stress can contribute to heart disease, partly because it can raise blood pressure but also because people may deal with stress in unhealthy ways - by smoking or drinking too much alcohol, for example. I think that its really important to watch your temper not only because you want to keep in control of your body but because staying calm can help you live a longer life.


want to read more? check out the link below.

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