Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Constructive activism

If we tear down existing institution and structures without first building a replacement, we will create a vacuum of power, or vacuum of need. Who or what will fill that vacuum? Probably several whos, all subscribing to whatever worldviews are presently dominant in society. This will lead to a struggle and the winner of the struggle will be the most vicious and relentless someone or somewhat.

When we first build a better institution, we will take down the old older system without a fight, because it will simply be obsolete. The struggle will be in the building, not in the destroying.

We can get rid of Social Security if we all honor our parents and care for our elders. We can abolish the Department of Education of we all teach our children at home and in local cooperatives. We can end government welfare if we all give charitably and help others learn to be self-sufficient. We can conquer corrupt governments if we first build Zion.

(For more on this, read Connor Boyack's book, "Latter-Day Responsibility")

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