Tuesday, May 13, 2014

benchmade vs. cold steel

i know that Jacob likes cold steel more and i like benchmade more so both of us are probably bio-st so he did his opinnion and this is my opinion.

variety of blade steels benchmade: 13    cold steel:10 aprox.

blade sharpness benchmade: they have slightly less or the same sharpness as cold steel but they last longer

hardest blade benchmade: 64 HRC cold steel: 62 HRC

variety of kinds of blades benchmade: has folding knives, fixed blades, pens and multi tools  cold steel: folding knives, fixed blades, swords, machetes, tomahawks and spears.

strongest handle materiel benchmade: G10: An extremely durable makeup of layers of fiberglass soaked in resin, then highly compressed and baked. Impervious to moisture or liquid and physically stable under climate change. Most commonly black, but is available in various colors too......CARBON FIBER: A contemporary, premium composite of thin strands of carbon tightly woven into various weave patterns, then set in resin, which is most commonly clear but can be color tinted. It offers great looks and is exceptionally strong for its minimal weight.      cold steel: super aluminum (which is close to the strenght as titanium,) and G10

lock strength:  benchmade:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=verXb0gZoM8#t=71       (it handled 615 pounds and broke because of the blade not the lock)                                                                               cold steel:    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQbmb5CRJzU (it held 600 but so did the benchmade

variety of size benchmade: 1"-11" cold steel: 2"- 12"

information benchmade: they have a lot more info about their knives and it is easy to get to (benchmade had a lot more information than shown on my post i just couldnt find the same info about cold steel to compare)   cold steel: i couldnt find their info about their knives so i had to ask Jake and use Google to find its information.

overall quality from 1 to 10 (1 being horrible 10 being unbreakable) cold steel: 4-8 bench-made :6-9

price range benchmade: $105-$2,000 (not including multi tools which are about $35)  cold steel: $10-$360 (approx)

other's opinions: i know a person who is in the army who has owned a benchmade all through out his time in the army and it still works. my uncle has had a bechmade for 10 years and it still works perfectly. i asked a knife seller on his opinion whether cold steel is better or benchmade the guy said benchmade is much much much better.

conclusion: cold steel is close to the quality of benchmade but there price range is less.... benchmade's range is so big mainly because of there specialty knives which have titanium, gold, ivory and Damascus steel. benchmade's normal price is 120-400. when cold steels is 40-100. cold steels 100 dollor knive would be just about as the same as benchmade's 120 BUT benchmade is still better. so i would recomend getting the better knive for slightly more because if the price is so close and the quality is close why not get the better one? oh and i forgot to mention the cool things that happen when you buy a benchmade."We will gladly re-sharpen your Benchmade knife to a factory razor sharp edge (service does not apply to any serrated portion of the blade). If you prefer us to sharpen your blade, or if you may have neglected to maintain your edge for a while, simply ship your knife to us. We'll not only sharpen it, but we will also inspect the knife for any warranted repairs and "tune" the knife for optimum performance." cool right?  so my opinion is if you are looking for a tool then go to benchmade but if you are looking for a much larger knife for a weapon then get a cold steel.

another opinion

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Happiness Is A Choice

Psychologytoday.com presents an article on how to reset your "Happiness set point" They propose that there is a set point at which your happiness will always return. As psychology today explains it,

"The set-point theory of happiness suggests that our level of subjective well-being is determined primarily by heredity and by personality traits ingrained in us early in life and as a result remains relatively constant throughout our lives. Our level of happiness may change transiently in response to life events, but then almost always returns to its baseline level as we habituate to those events and their consequences over time."
Our life circumstances do effect us and our happiness as well as our happiness set point. 

"On the other hand, other 
research suggests a few events—chief among them the unexpected death of a child and repeated bouts of unemployment—seem to reduce our ability to be happy permanently. Yet some studies also suggest that we can also fix our happiness set point permanently higher—by helping others." I would like to particularly bring notice to the phrase "We can fix our happiness set point permanently higher, by helping others. We all know that helping others makes us happier in the moment, but this suggests that it also helps in the long run. 
          Psychology today has researched a number of studies to prove this. They also go into greater detail as to why this sets our happiness point higher. (link below) 
         I strongly believe that we can set out happiness point higher, and that it is our choice to do so. I love the idea that we can raise and lower our "set point" but that it is still there. We decide our own happiness, and we determine our destiny, and how it and other things affects us. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Our freedom is in jeopardy

I was impressed with the reading this week and copied some quotes from Ron Paul's farewell address. So anything i quotation marks are from his farewell speech unless it says otherwise. It is strange how many liberties we've lost and don't even notice. A few he points out in his own words are: "Citizens are guilty until proven innocent in the unconstitutional administrative courts," "Why do so many in the government and the federal officials believe that creating money out of thin air creates wealth," "and Why do so many accept the deeply flawed principle that government bureaucrats and politicians can protect us from ourselves without totally destroying the principle of liberty?" It's amazing whats going on a few interesting and true quotes he had are:
"If the people are unhappy with the government performance it must be recognized that government is merely a reflection of an immoral society that rejected a moral government of constitutional limitations of power and love of freedom."
along with that he said "Benjamin Franklin claimed “only a virtuous people are capable of freedom.”  John Adams concurred:  “Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people.  It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
"Sadly, we have become accustomed to living with the illegitimate use of force by government.  It is the tool for telling the people how to live, what to eat and drink, what to read and how to spend their money."
"The federal register is now 75,000 pages long and the tax code has 72,000 pages, and expands every year.  When will the people start shouting, “enough is enough,” and demand Congress cease and desist."
"Too many people have for too long placed too much confidence and trust in government and not enough in themselves."
"The Constitution established four federal crimes.  Today the experts can’t even agree on how many federal crimes are now on the books—they number into the thousands…. I don’t understand the complacency of the Congress and the willingness to continue their obsession with passing more Federal laws."

But he says there is hope. we can change this but the government can't do anything, like he said "government is merely a reflection of an immoral society that rejected a moral government of constitutional limitations of power and love of freedom." we need to change but our freedoms can be recovered. some things he said about recovering it are:
"The #1 responsibility for each of us is to change ourselves with hope that others will follow."
"The Constitution or more laws per se, have no value if the people’s attitudes aren’t changed."
"The same moral standards that individuals are required to follow should apply to all government officials.  They cannot be exempt."
with that again "government is merely a reflection of an immoral society that rejected a moral government of constitutional limitations of power and love of freedom."
"Expect the rapidly expanding homeschooling movement to play a significant role in the revolutionary reforms needed to build a free society with Constitutional protections. We cannot expect a Federal government controlled school system to provide the intellectual ammunition to combat the dangerous growth of government that threatens our liberties."
"To achieve liberty and peace, two powerful human emotions have to be overcome.  Number one is “envy” which leads to hate and class warfare.  Number two is “intolerance” which leads to bigoted and judgmental policies.  These emotions must be replaced with a much better understanding of love, compassion, tolerance and free market economics. Freedom, when understood, brings people together. When tried, freedom is popular."

We need to change how we as a country think and act to be more moral and responsible. If we so our country a has hope and can survive. We can't change others in the country but what we can is change ourselves, as Ron Paul said. "The #1 responsibility for each of us is to change ourselves with hope that others will follow." This should be our number one goal and hopefully it will work, because it is our only chance.

Trans-Pacific Partnership

Our current reading assignment, "The Structure of Power in American Society" (by C. Wright Mills), described the power elite in the USA as a cooperative triumvirate of the political directorate (executive branch), corporation executives, and high military, using "increased secrecy behind which great decisions are made without benefit of public or even Congressional debate."

We can see the power elite in action in the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement.

Often referred to as NAFTA or WTO on steroids, it "would establishing a free trade zone that would stretch from Vietnam to Chile, encompass 800 million people—about a third of world trade and nearly 40 percent of the global economy. While the text of the treaty has been largely negotiated behind closed doors, more than 600 corporate advisers reportedly have access to the measure, including employees of Halliburton and Monsanto."

The US Constitution gives International Treaties precedence over other US laws, and to pass this treaty, Obama is seeking "Fast Track Authority", the same procedure used to push NAFTA and WTO through congress.
"Fast Track allowed the executive branch to unilaterally select partner countries for “trade” pacts, decide the agreements’ contents, and then negotiate and sign the agreements — all before Congress had a vote on the matter. Normal congressional committee processes were forbidden, meaning that the executive branch was empowered to write lengthy legislation on its own with no review or amendments. These executive-authored bills altered wide swaths of U.S. law unrelated to trade – food safety, immigration visas, energy policy, medicine patents and more – to conform our domestic policies to each agreement’s requirements. And, remarkably, Fast Track let the executive branch control Congress’ voting schedule. Unlike any other legislation, both the House and Senate were required to vote on a Fast Tracked trade agreement within 90 days of the White House submitting it. No floor amendments were allowed and debate was limited."
All we know about TPP currently comes from chapters exposed by Wikileaks. Only 5 of 29 chapters actually deal with trade issues. The chapter on intellectual property would put into place much of the SOPA law which was vigorously opposed by the internet community. The environmental chapter would role back limits on pollution, logging and fishing.

Mills was right. This is how the power elite operate.

(For less reading, you can also listen to this Democracy Now story about TPP.)

acrobatic spider

Called the flic-flac spider after the gymnastics term for a back handspring, the new species Cebrennus rechenbergi lives in the Erg Chebbi sand desert in Morocco and uses its legs to create a rolling motion when provoked, according to researchers from the Senckenberg Research Institute in Frankfurt.
"Like a gymnast, it propels itself off the ground, followed by a series of rapid flic-flac movements of its legs," a news release from the institute reads. "This gives the spider great flexibility — uphill, downhill or on level ground, Cebrennus rechenbergi can move along with ease."
While flipping, the spider can move twice as fast as it does while walking, researchers said. However, they also found that if the spider continues flipping for too long, it could result in its untimely death.
Enlarge image
Courtesy of Peter Jäger
The spider was first observed by Ingo Rechenberg, a bionics expert who looks to nature for inspiration for his work. When he discovered the flic-flac spider's unique movements on an expedition to Morocco, he passed it on to spider expert Peter Jäger for classification.
Jäger determined the Cebrennus rechenbergi was a new species and named the spider after Rechenberg, who has created a robot model that copies the spider's movement. Rechenberg said the robot could be used in agriculture, on the ocean floor or on Mars.
The flic-flac spider is distinct from other spiders, like the golden rolling spider in Namibia that passively rolls down sand dunes using gravity, researchers said. Jäger was also able to differentiate the flic-flac spider from its close relative in Tunisia, the Cebrennus villosus, by examining the spider's sex organs.
The spider is nocturnal and lives in a tube-like home it makes in the sand to protect itself from the sun and potential predators, researchers said.

i at first didn't beleave it until i saw this video

     GO TO THIS! IT IS A VIDEO OF IT. super super super cool

i thought this was an interesting find. and reminds me of how many creatures god has created that we don't know about.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Our dilemma

How many of the readers of this post have ever complained about new laws passing that are unconstitutional?  Like really be honest.  And usually you think "how could our perfect goverment become so corrupt?"  Here's the answer to the last question.  It is a slow process little bits at a time kind of like that boiled frog analogy where we think "oh it's only a little bit of my freedom, or it doesn't have anything to do with me."  Or maybe people did realize they were losing their freedom  but thought "oh I'm too small to make a difference, or it will adjust itself on its own." Well, did it adjust itself ? It did adjust itself here and there but unfortunately that's even a slower process than losing the rights to begin with.  Are we going to have the mentality that it will adjust itself on its own or catch our freedom and keep our goverment and the inalienable rights and freedoms it was based upon before it's to late?

Monday, April 28, 2014

Things that you thought were true but are totally false.

Mount Everest is one whopping big mountain, but is it the tallest in the world? In fact it is not. A mountain is highest in regard to how far it soars above sea level. But technically it is tallest from base to summit. And Mauna Kea kills it at being the tallest.
Here's the deets: Above sea level, Mauna Kea (in Hawaii) is only 13,799 feet (4,206 meters). But when you count the crazy enormous portion of it that's underwater, it's 33,465 feet tall (10,200 meters). Everest, that snobby little upstart, is only 29,029 feet (8,848 meters) above sea level, with none of it below sea level [source: Mitchinson and Lloyd].
But the shame doesn't end there. Mount Kilimanjaro hasn't taken the stand yet. Kilimanjaro is 19,340 feet (5,895 meters) top to bottom. So it's not as tall as Everest – but Everest is surrounded by the rest of its friends, the Himalayas, all of which are collectively growing by a quarter of an inch per year and pushing Everest's summit higher. Kilimanjaro, on the other hand, is solitary, rising out from the relative flatness of Tanzania all on its dramatically striking own [source: Mitchinson and Lloyd]
another one is that Different Parts of Your Tongue Detect Different Tastes.

Lots of people think different parts of the tongue are fine-tuned to detect different tastes. The tip of the tongue is where you get your cupcake on, the sides are where the salty taste really hits home, bitter's in the back, and in between is the sour zone. This "fact" was the prevailing notion for a very long time. It has persisted in spite of millions of kids in health class insisting that the wooden spoon just tastes like wooden spoon, no matter how they lick it.
More recently, however, we've found out that the whole zones theory was pretty much bologna. (That would be the umami talking. More about that in a sec.) It turns out people can sense different tastes all over their tongues. There are a few outliers, but for most people, them's the facts.
Then there's the fifth basic taste that doesn't get a lot of PR, and that'sumami. Auguste Escoffier, the pimpest chef in 19th century France, concocted this fifth wheel in the palate party. Foodies swooned over it – it's been described as savory and meaty – but scientists stuck to the sweet/salty/bitter/sour taste tetrahedron.
Even though umami was a familiar taste in Japan, the "fifth taste" idea didn't get much traction there, either. That is until Kikunae Ikeda, a whiz-bang Japanese chemist, decided to get to the bottom of what umami was all about. He figured out the taste came from glutamic acid, and he called it the Japanese version of yummy.
No one at the time believed him, though, and it wasn't until the end of the 20th century that scientists decided to look into it. They realized Ikeda was right all along.

 Your fingers don’t wrinkle in water because the skin is absorbing water and swelling.

Your fingers don't wrinkle in water because the skin is absorbing water and swelling.
It’s actually caused by the autonomic nervous system, and is thought to have evolved because it gives ancestral primates a better grip in slippery, wet environments.

Monday, April 21, 2014

General Motors

Recently general motors (gm) had to recall 2.6 million cars for faulty ignition switches. This is a chart of the cars they recalled and what was wrong with them. But overall the ignition switch could cause the engine to stop and/or the airbag to be disabled.
These problem at least 12 deaths and 31 crashes. There are a few things that they could have done to avoid this crisis and that they can do to never do again.
First, they could test the vehicle haw people will drive it. By that i'm referring to the quote by GM that says "the cars are safe to drive as long as a key and ring only are the only items on a key chain." But almost no one does that. Most people have at least a dozen keys on their key ring. They should test the car with a weight and also without for this particular problem.
Second, they need to address issues when they arise. And not in secret. In this problem they tried and failed fixing it by changing the part and not the part number. So they wouldn't be accountable for the problem. If they would have announced the problem right up front they wouldn't have had to pay so much and they would have had an easier time fixing the problem because it was already public.
Third, they need to be honest. This covers everything else i think but really this is what it's all about. They kept the problem secret and they tried to fix it secretly to be unaccountable for their mistake as i mentioned earlier. they new this was wrong and they did it anyway. "GM said that Our principle throughout this process has been to the put the customer first" and that's all fine and well but what about before this problem was discovered by the public, were we first than or money. They new this could and probably would kill people but they didn't do anything about it.
I've concluded that if they just always put the customer first, above anything and everything, than they will have a successful business that will not have huge problems like these. And possibly they will even have more trust by their costumers because of their people.

Friday, April 18, 2014

National Popular Vote

There is a movement underway to create a National Popular Vote by a system of interstate compacts. Currently 10 states have signed on to this compact, pledging the votes of all their delegates to the presidential candidate who wins the popular vote. This compact would take effect when enough states to total 270 electoral vote (electoral majority) sign on to the compact, thus insuring that the winner of the popular vote would have enough electoral votes to win the election.

Advocates of this reform say, for example, "what this would do is, all those billions raised for campaigns, instead of being funneled into a handful of states, they would have to be spread out across the whole country..." While their concern for disproportional spending is admirable, it is also completely disingenuous. This will not negate the "momentum" effect of states with early votes in the primaries. But it will funnel enormous amounts of money to the 146 counties where over half the U.S. population resides.

If we compare the map of the counties where half the U.S population resides with the map of the results of the last presidential election, it is easily noticeable that these same counties are overwhelmingly Democrat.

This is a transparently political Democratic party grab for power. It is just as transparently political as the Republican's attempts to decrease minority voting under the banner of "preventing voter fraud."

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Cold Steel vs. Benchmade

Some have asked. Many want to know. I have set on a quest to answer the question. Cold Steel vs Benchmade, who will win? Having searched for, and found valuable information on both kinds of knives, I will tell the story of the epic battle!
Different factors:

1) blade steel.

2) blade sharpness.

3) handle material.

4) handle strength.

5) lock strength.

6) size.

7) overall quality.

8) variety.

9) price.

Cold Steel's knives consists of mostly aus8a knives, with a few harder, tougher, steel. And a couple of high carbon steel.
Though the aus8a steel has been expertly heat-treated, it is still rather soft. The Benchmade knife army is full of really hard, strong steels, that few can rival. The various types of steel are all top notch.

After a hard and bloody battle, the Benchmade comes out on top. The aus8a Cold Steel knives have been beaten with the Benchmade's harder, tougher steel. But the Cold Steel knives held up very well, and for a good long while, they were beaten. The winner is BENCHMADE!

The battle if the sharpest blade. The two are equal, but, it will take Cold Steel a shorter time to dull the edge, thus, BENCHMADE wins!

The handle strength, and material varies from strong, reinforced plastic, to aluminum and steels, on the Benchmade knifes. The cold steel has usually strong plastics for there handles, that are very tough. The Cold Steel knives gave very comfortable, and fit the hand well. The winner is COLD STEEL!

When it comes to the lock on the knives, Benchmade usually has the
AXIS lock, which is a strong lock. But it is beaten by the Cold Steel
Triad Lock, which is the strongest talk on the market. The winner is, COLD STEEL!

The size for most of the Benchmade knives is usually smaller, and don't very that much it there sizes. But Cold Steel's knives have a large selection of sizes. They can range from 12" to 2". Thus, COLD STEEL wins!

The overall quality between the knives is not very different. The Benchmade knives come out on top, due to the materials they use to construct their knives. BENCHMADE wins!

The Benchmade had a very large selection and varieties of knives. But they don't differ from each other very much. They're usually limited to pocket folders. The Cold Steel knives also have a very large selection of folding knives, as well as fixed blades, push daggers, throwing knives/throwing stars, spears, clubs, and swords. COLD STEEL wins!

And last, but not least, the price. Benchmade knives usually cost anywhere from $150-$400. But the Cold Steel knives have a much lower price, for near matching quality. They usually range from $25-$200. COLD STEEL wins!

Now, in my personal opinion, I believe Cold Steel you better place to put your money. The biggest reason for this is the price and quality ratio. You get a lot more for whet you pay at Cold Steel.


football players unionize

On March 26, Peter Ohr, Regional Director of National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”) Region 13 held that Northwestern University’s football players are in fact school employees and have the right to form a labor union. and they did.
but this is wrong their not employees. the employees at a college are teachers, coaches, and instructors. they teach everyone else who are the students how to do whatever they are teaching. soon they will be asking for money. it won't be the first thing that will happen but they will eventually once most teams have a union. then they will get it even though it is currently against N.A.C.C. policy. but that might even hurt them because of taxes.
they do seem to have some reasons that are good though. apparently the N.C.A.A. is good at forgetting players once they are injured. but if players are being treated unfairly then they don’t need to have a union. they can appeal to or sue the N.C.A.A. for protection. but they don't need to be employees. even though the N.C.A.A. should sufficiently care for them if they get hurt in a game, that's not a reason to become employees. just convince the government that the N.C.A.A. have a legal right to do so.
i think that
college athletes aren't employees. it's more like a apprenticeship than anything else. they learn how to do the job (play the sport) and develop their ability in it, so that they can go on to do it successfully as a professional. professional teams want to see that they player has had experience and has been good on the field. and that is easiest if there's a big team that the players go on as preparation before they become a pro. so
many professional sports have minor leagues to train players but in the case of N.F.L. and the N.B.A. the N.C.A.A. is the minor league.

so this whole thing shouldn't happen. and if it continues they will eventually ask for pay and then schools may not have enough money for other areas or sports. so i think they should have fixed their problems they say they had within the system, and not create this new system.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Placing Political Conditions on Humanitarian Aid to Foreign Countries. Just or unjust?

      Is making countries accept terms before receiving aid after a natural, or economic disaster just, or unjust?

      On the one hand, we have the position that it is unjust. The primary argument here would be Human Life, and Human Dignity.
      Humanitarian Aid as defined by the Global Humanitarian Assistance is: "Aid and action designed to save lives, alleviate suffering, and maintain and protect human dignity during and in the aftermath of emergencies." I would like to draw special attention to the terms: Designed to save lives, and also maintain and protect human dignity.
      While the people in power are stuck bickering over who gets what when it's all over, and how the money is supposedly used, millions are dying. Which is certainly not designed to save lives, but to benefit for their country and their benefit as much as possible rather than trying to save lives, alleviate suffering and protect human dignity.
      What if the country is not able to accept the terms? These people won't be able to get the aid that it needs. Thus, the affirmative is arguing that political conditions on humanitarian aid are unjust, and therefore should not be tolerated.

      Some argue that it is just. The points that they make are:
      Our primary responsibility is to our own people. Those in charge of the country, our main concern, is that of keeping their own people safe. They have the right to know where, and when that money, food, or clothing is going to. If no conditions are made, how can we be sure that our money is going to the right place? In North Korea we sent them aid, and they used it to build Nuclear weapons and have been threatening their trade partners, the US, South Korea, China, Russia, and the UN. Without political conditions, or strong ones at that, countries could deprive the aid to those that need it and use it against those countries that sent it. In order to protect their people, and maintain the dignity of the people being helped, and making sure the aid is given to those that need it, the Negative concludes that it is just.

The Ideal School

                                                                                    The Ideal School 

     The Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius in the 2nd Century, A.D. in his personal writings, now known as “Meditations, writes of his experiences as a student. He tells us about his great-grandfather, Catilus Serverus, who advised him “to avoid the public schools, to hire good private teachers, and to accept the resulting costs as money well-spent”. That was 1,800 years ago!

     The public school system in American began in earnest after the Civil War. This is when the federal government funded and controlled schools replaced the private education system. By 1870, 57% of the school age children in America were enrolled in public schools. Then by the beginning of the 20th Century numerous groups pushed for a more comprehensive and bureaucratic public education system that was suppose to be  “critical to America’s future”. The Progressive movement replaced the community run schools with their sophisticated and standardized system that was backed by business leaders and the labor unions. 

     In 1905, seeing the rise of Germany as an economic threat, the United States manufacturers pushed for state-run trade schools. Then these American businesses, along with the labor unions, pressured Congress to expand federal spending on education. The school administrators, teachers and students all had a place in producing a standardized “final product”. Even today public education is dominated by these objectives.

     The role of public education has expanded to encompass all aspects of family life  - such as:  instilling moral values, managing health and nutrition needs, fighting crime and protecting children from physical and psychological harm  -  public education has taken control of every aspect of the student’s life! Finally, numerous groups use the public school system as a way to promote their own political and social goals....racial integration, democratic participation, or environmental awareness. 

     Every year since World War II, the American public felt that something “new” was happening in public school reform. But statistics tell a different story. There has been very little change in student performance, in fact the changes were downward. What has become clear is that government is totally unsuited to teach America’s students.  

     “America’s monopolistic, bureaucratic, over-regulated system of public schools is woefully unprepared to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century. Political, business and education leaders continue to talk about “reforming” the current public education system. They should, instead, be discussing how to replace it.” 

     Studies show that private schools produce better students than public schools. My ideal school is a private school that has teachers and administrators who listen to input from the students and their parents.     



I recently learned that most news sites only post news articles that will draw  the attention of the public so that people can see the advertisements. Before you watch a video, you will almost always see an advertisement, and on the sides of most internet sites there will be an ad. As I've searched the internet looking for interesting news articles to write about,Ii found it difficult to find interesting stories that didn't seem like pointless stories. For example, one thing I came across was about how a Spanish pop singer was murdered. I am not unsympathetic, but I don't think that kind of thing is relevant.It is all for the advertising.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Should Any Vaccines Be Required for Children?

                                                     Should Any Vaccines Be Required for Children?

    “Vaccine advocates argue that vaccination is safe and one of the greatest health developments of the 20th Century. They point out that illnesses, including rubella, diptheria, and whooping cough, are now prevented by vaccination. They also claim that anti-vaccination studies are often faulty, biased and misleading.” 
  “ The opponents of vaccination argue that children’s immune systems can deal with most infections naturally and that the side effects of vaccinations, which include  seizures, paralysis, and death, are not worth the risk of vaccinating against non-life threatening illnesses. They cite numerous studies to prove that vaccines trigger problems like autism, ADHD, and multiple sclerosis.”   

      This debate has been going on for decades. After researching extensively I have listed just a few of the arguments that are being offered:

PRO Vaccines            
1. Vaccination should be required for children. No individual should have the right to risk  
     the health of the public solely for the purpose of satisfying their personal moral,   
     philosophical, or religious views.   
2.  Vaccines can eradicate disease and prevent serious illness and death. Mandatory         
     vaccination has eradicated diseases that once killed thousands of children, such as   
     polio and small pox.
3. The American Academy of Pediatrics claims that most vaccines are 90-99%  
     effective. But when the children who have been vaccinated do contract the disease,  
     despite being vaccinated against it, they usually have milder symptoms with less 
     serious complications than an unvaccinated child that gets the same disease.
4. Since some individuals that have been vaccinated may still get sick when exposed to 
     infected individuals,  75%  -  90% of the population (depending on the disease), must    
     be vaccinated to achieve “herd immunity”.  When herd immunity is achieved the  
     number of immunized individuals is high enough to prevent the spread of disease 
     through the population. 

CON Vaccines
1. Governments should not have the right to intervene in the health decisions parents 
     make for their children. 3l% of parents believe they should have the right to refuse 
     mandated school entry vaccinations for their children. 
2. Many parents hold religious beliefs against vaccination. Forcing such parents to 
     vaccinate their children violates the 1st Amendment which guarantees citizens the 
     the right to the free exercise of their religion. 
3.Vaccines can trigger auto-immune disorders such as arthritis, multiple sclerosis, 
      lupus, Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), and other disorders. Vaccines can cause 
      brain inflammation (encephalopathy) which can lead to death or permanent brain   
      damage and disorders such as Autism, ADD/ADHD, and other developmental 
4. Vaccines are promoted primarily to generate profits for manufacturers and 
      financial donations for medical organizations that endorse vaccines.  A house
      Committee on Government Reform report revealed that the CDC Advisory                      
      Committee on Immunization Practices had members who had financial ties to 
       vaccine companies.  The former CDC Director is currently the CEO of Merck               

     “Mainstream doctors and media pundits are notorious for claiming that the vaccine-autism debate is over and that no legitimate scientific evidence exists to suggest even a possible link between vaccinations and autism spectrum disorders (ASD): case closed. But a thoroughly-researched report recently published reveals that there are at least 22 published scientific studies that show a link between vaccines and autism and that there are many more with similar findings.”  Infowars - http://www.infowars.com 

     Both sides stand firm in their convictions. The CDC now recommends that each child receive an astounding 68 vaccinations by the time they reach 18 years of age!! The opponents of vaccines feel that the government should not intervene in the health care decision regarding vaccinations for their children. I agree that the welfare of the child should be left up to the parents not the government. Furthermore, that the bare minimum vaccinations be given only for the life-threatening diseases. 

Posted by:  Cole Baker

Why do they attack us?

I've always wondered why the terrorists attack us.  It says in The Thousand Year War that the "terrorists" feel like we are attacking them.  So why do they feel threatened? Well, Mr. Maybury says that the crusaders came and attacked the Muslims a really long time ago and the Europeans have fought multiple times with the Muslims and the Americans stumbled into the "wars" a while back.  The Americans and Europeans see every series of battles as a separate war where as the Muslims see it as one big war which is the Europeans vs. the Muslims.  So the true question is not why are they attacking us but why are we still at war with them.

There is some food for thought.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Crimea succeeded from Ukraine

The basic rundown of the story is that Ukraine's government decided to trade with Europe and not Russia. The people didn't like that so they changed there government. While this happened Crimea decided that they liked Russia better than Ukraine and succeeded from Ukraine and voted for Russia to annex them (partially because of their long history with Russia and always liking Russia anyway). And now the International community has decided that you aren't allowed to seceded from your country if your not being abused. but they still do almost nothing about it.
But why shouldn't Crimea succeed if they want to they can. The people they succeeded from left and let them go so why should we still keep bugging them. In the ideal situation we wouldn't, and if we weren't so worried that some country becoming more powerful than we wouldn't care. So i think that we should just leave them alone and the only people that should be making a big deal out of this are the ones involved that being: Ukraine and Russia. We should just sit back and let other countries make their own decisions.

The Gold Standerd

The ideal situation for the econemy would be if we had a gold standerd. If our country had a gold standerd then it would encourage the rest of the world to do the same. It would also prevent inflation. Another benefit would be that there would be free flow of capitol across borders. Eventually, if the whole world adopted the gold standerd then most budgets in the world would be balanced            

Thursday, March 27, 2014

general motors has a big loss

general motors had to recall of 1.6 million cars made between 2003 and 2007 due to faulty ignition switches
a number of new York times articles example: by danielle ivory march 12, 2014

Faulty ignition switches in the recalled GM vehicles are linked to 12 deaths and at least 31 crashes.
a number of new York times articles example: by danielle ivory march 12, 2014

a new review of federal crash data shows that 303 people died after the air bags failed to deploy on two of the models made by general motors that were recalled last month in Feb.
Friedman Research Corporation

everything is always better when you are honest

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Polio in Syria: An outbreak that threatens the Middle East

Because of the war in Syria  polio has broken out again Syria was declared free of polio in 1999. But the disease re-emerged last year, after two years of conflict. The World Health Organization (WHO) says there are now 25 laboratory-confirmed cases in the country, with another 13 confirmations pending. But Syrian doctors put the number of children with clinical symptoms of polio much higher, at at least 110. And for every victim, there are at least 200 people - some doctors say up to 1,000 - carrying and spreading the virus.
"Dr Bashir Taj al-Din, a Syrian doctor who shuttles back and forth across the border from Turkey says: "The people there live along the Euphrates river and they drink directly from it. There are no water treatment stations working, the sewage goes straight into the water."

see more at

The way Heathcare should be

The trouble with our Healthcare system is that is completely subverts the free market and the laws of supply and demand. Consumers demand as much as they can get because they don't pay the actual cost. Suppliers charge as much as they want because the patients don't know how much it costs.

We need to get back to paying our own healthcare costs, because nothing will control the (currently skyrocketing) costs better than every consumer looking for the best deal. Of course there are catastrophic conditions and accidents which would ruin a person, and for that there should be health insurance. But just as your car insurance doesn't pay for your gas and normal maintenance, and as you house insurance doesn't pay for lightbulbs and such, real health insurance should be for real emergencies, not for normal doctor appointments and prescriptions.

One organization which is following this philosophy now is Christian Healthcare Ministries. Members pay normal upfront costs, and share in paying each others costs for high cost procedures through their dues and prayers.

Still One Nation Under God


            Last year Russian President Vladimir Putin criticized Euro-Atlantic countries, including the United States, of becoming godless and moving away from Christian values. Some may bristle at such an accusation, but when you consider that many Americans are hesitant even to mention God or Jesus in public, there may be some truth to his claim. We also casually have tossed out many of the principles in the Bible and have concluded that there's no authority greater than man himself.

       While there is no question that our Christian values have taken a hit in recent years, we have not yet reached the point of a totally godless government that sets itself up as the supreme authority and giver of rights. As a nation, we must decide definitively whether we believe in God and godly principles. We must decide whether we revere the Bible and what it means when our elected officials take their oaths of office with one hand upon it. If we do nothing, we allow by default the elimination of God as a central figure in our culture.
      As secular progressives try to remove all vestiges of God from our society, let us remember the godly principles of loving our fellow man, caring about our neighbors, developing our God-given talents to the utmost so that we become valuable to the people around us, and maintaining high principles that govern our lives. Our Christian values led this nation to the pinnacle of the world in record time. If we embrace them, they will keep us there.

      While we Americans are giving a cold shoulder to our religious heritage, the Russians are warming up to religion. The Russians seem to be gaining prestige and influence throughout the world as we are losing ours. I wonder whether there is a correlation.
There are many well-documented stories about God's intervention on behalf of our country during the War of Independence, but one of my favorites involves the Constitutional Convention in 1787. The delegates could not reach common ground on how the Constitution should be written, and the rancor threatened to destroy the fledgling union.

       Benjamin Franklin, who was 81 years old, stood before the entire assembly and reminded them of their frequent prayers during the war against Great Britain. At his suggestion, they knelt and prayed -- and then went on to put together a 16-page document known as the Constitution of the United States, one of the most admired documents in history. From that point forward, congressional sessions were started with prayer.

      Second Chronicles 7:14 says, "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sins and will heal their land.” These instructions are clear, and secular progressives will shun them. They may control much of the media, but we should not allow them to control our beliefs. Will you stand up for what you believe in no matter the consequences?    This article was written by Ben Carson. Posted by: Cole Baker

Indiana Opts out of Common Core

"Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R) on Monday signed new legislation that makes his state the first to opt out of Common Core standards, amid conservative outrage over the education benchmarks." As stated by the Washington Post. Something that I find interesting about this, is that Indiana was one of the first states to adopt Common Core, and are now opting out of it. I think one of the big factors that most of the states don't agree with is, as stated by South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, “I don’t think Common Core is as extreme as a lot of people paint it out to be. What I do think it is, is you’re treating South Carolina kids like they’re California kids, they’re still trying to put us all in one basket, and we’re not to be put in one basket.” That among other reasons of course. 
I personally, disagree with Common Core. It is unconstitutional and should not be tolerated. The Common Core standards were passed before the delegates and officials had time to discuss it. The students are given tests that parents, teachers, and administrators are not allowed to see. According to my understanding. 
I am against common core. 

Sources: washingtonpost.com 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Standing for what we believe in

In the Deseret News, and article was published about a mother, Cameron Bure, on Dancing With The Stars. She has three children, and is married. Dancing With The Stars can be a very inappropriate show, due to costumes, and the dance moves chosen. Bure openly told her partner in an interview, "I'm not gonna be your sexy girl. I'm a mom of three kids, so I want to look good and feel beautiful, but I will probably stay on the more modest end of costuming," She also stated that, "The two most important things in my life are my faith and my family, and I know that is what is going to get me through this competition," Bure is a devout Christian, and is striving to be a good example to her family, and all the other women in the world. She said, "I want to represent all the moms out there and inspire them and encourage them," she told Us magazine. "I'm just a woman. I'm not any different than all the moms out there — my priority is my family, my husband, my kids and so this for me is truly just a joy." 
Let us all try and represent our beliefs, and Stand as Witnesses of God at all times.